Vandendriessche, Hans (Dr.)

Hans Vandendriessche is a research assistant at Ghent University where he obtained his doctoral degree in 2021. His interests in the field of prehistoric archaeology include, among others, lithic technology, experimental archaeology and raw material provenancing. His publications cover a broad range of topics, reaching from the large-scale excavations of Kerkhove and the lithic technology of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition to the Belgian Neolithic and its material culture. Currently, in the framework of a new research project, he aims to further explore the origins of the Middle Mesolithic in the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt area.

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Vanhoutte, Sofie (Dr.)

Sofie Vanhoutte is Heritage Researcher Archaeology at the Flanders Heritage Agency (Belgium). Since 2019 she is also teaching assistant at Ghent University. This publication is a further enlargement of her doctoral research ‘Change and Continuity at the Roman Fort at Oudenburg from the late 2nd until the early 5th century AD, with a particular focus on the evidence of the material culture and its significance within the wider context of the Roman North Sea and Channel frontier zone’, a joint PhD at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and the University of Kent (Canterbury, UK). She defended her PhD successfully in September 2018.

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Velde, Piet, van de, (Dr.)

Pieter van de Velde (1940). After nine years in the merchant navy he studied cultural anthropology and prehistory at Leiden University, and did a PhD in Social Sciences at that university in 1980. His thesis was a sociological study of Bandkeramik community structures as preserved in cemetery and settlement remains. Conservationist archaeology in Germany, field archaeology in Java (Indonesia) and Sardinia (Italy) and a lectureship at Leiden University served to keep up his interest in the early neolithic way of doing. After his retirement (2001) he continued working on the LBK, of which the present volume is the most recent witness.

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Veldmeijer, André J. (Dr.)

André J. Veldmeijer (Visiting Research Scholar American University in Cairo) studied archaeology at Leiden University and received his PhD in Vertebrate Palaeontology from Utrecht University in 2006. He has worked in Egypt since 1995 as a leather, footwear and cordage specialist in various research projects.

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Verbaas, Annemieke MA (MA)

Annemieke Verbaas is a use-wear specialist and experimental archaeologist at the Leiden University and Stichting LAB. She has studied archaeological Sciences at Leiden University. She has worked on the objects from many contract archaeology sites in the Netherlands and several large research projects.

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Verbeek, John R. (Dr.)

John R. Verbeek (Den Haag, 1955-2021) studeerde geschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden, waar hij in 1981 zijn doctoraal diploma haalde. Hij specialiseerde zich in de geschiedenis van de vestingbouw, militaire techniek, zeegeschiedenis en koloniale expansie. Over deze onderwerpen schreef hij tal van boeken en artikelen, waaronder Kustversterkingen 1900-1940 (Haarlem 1989). Hij was actief in het museum- en monumentenwezen en gaf historische adviezen ten behoeve van films en documentaires.

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Vermeeren, Caroline (Drs.)

Caroline Vermeeren graduated in 1986 as biologist at Leiden University, specializing in archaeobotany and palynology. She works at BIAX Consult and she gives guest lectures in archaeobotany at Leiden University and Amsterdam University. Current research by Caroline includes palaeo-ecology as well. Current research by Caroline includes macro- and micro fossils and she specializes in the analysis of wood.

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Vandendriessche, Hans (Dr.)

Hans Vandendriessche is a research assistant at Ghent University where he obtained his doctoral degree in 2021. His interests in the field of prehistoric archaeology include, among others, lithic technology, experimental archaeology and raw material provenancing. His publications cover a broad range of topics, reaching from the large-scale excavations of Kerkhove and the lithic technology of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition to the Belgian Neolithic and its material culture. Currently, in the framework of a new research project, he aims to further explore the origins of the Middle Mesolithic in the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt area.

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Vanhoutte, Sofie (Dr.)

Sofie Vanhoutte is Heritage Researcher Archaeology at the Flanders Heritage Agency (Belgium). Since 2019 she is also teaching assistant at Ghent University. This publication is a further enlargement of her doctoral research ‘Change and Continuity at the Roman Fort at Oudenburg from the late 2nd until the early 5th century AD, with a particular focus on the evidence of the material culture and its significance within the wider context of the Roman North Sea and Channel frontier zone’, a joint PhD at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and the University of Kent (Canterbury, UK). She defended her PhD successfully in September 2018.

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Velde, Piet, van de, (Dr.)

Pieter van de Velde (1940). After nine years in the merchant navy he studied cultural anthropology and prehistory at Leiden University, and did a PhD in Social Sciences at that university in 1980. His thesis was a sociological study of Bandkeramik community structures as preserved in cemetery and settlement remains. Conservationist archaeology in Germany, field archaeology in Java (Indonesia) and Sardinia (Italy) and a lectureship at Leiden University served to keep up his interest in the early neolithic way of doing. After his retirement (2001) he continued working on the LBK, of which the present volume is the most recent witness.

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Veldmeijer, André J. (Dr.)

André J. Veldmeijer (Visiting Research Scholar American University in Cairo) studied archaeology at Leiden University and received his PhD in Vertebrate Palaeontology from Utrecht University in 2006. He has worked in Egypt since 1995 as a leather, footwear and cordage specialist in various research projects.

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Verbaas, Annemieke MA (MA)

Annemieke Verbaas is a use-wear specialist and experimental archaeologist at the Leiden University and Stichting LAB. She has studied archaeological Sciences at Leiden University. She has worked on the objects from many contract archaeology sites in the Netherlands and several large research projects.

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Verbeek, John R. (Dr.)

John R. Verbeek (Den Haag, 1955-2021) studeerde geschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden, waar hij in 1981 zijn doctoraal diploma haalde. Hij specialiseerde zich in de geschiedenis van de vestingbouw, militaire techniek, zeegeschiedenis en koloniale expansie. Over deze onderwerpen schreef hij tal van boeken en artikelen, waaronder Kustversterkingen 1900-1940 (Haarlem 1989). Hij was actief in het museum- en monumentenwezen en gaf historische adviezen ten behoeve van films en documentaires.

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Vermeeren, Caroline (Drs.)

Caroline Vermeeren graduated in 1986 as biologist at Leiden University, specializing in archaeobotany and palynology. She works at BIAX Consult and she gives guest lectures in archaeobotany at Leiden University and Amsterdam University. Current research by Caroline includes palaeo-ecology as well. Current research by Caroline includes macro- and micro fossils and she specializes in the analysis of wood.

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