Van Roode, Sigrid M. (Dr.)

Sigrid van Roode is an archeologist, ethnographer and jewellery historian. Her main field of expertise is jewellery from North Africa and Southwest Asia, as well as archaeological and archaeological revival jewellery. She has authored several books on jewellery, such as Desert Silver (2017) and Silver & Frankincense (2020). With her consultancy Bedouin Silver, she researches jewellery collections for both museums and private collections, teaches courses and curates exhibitions.

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Van Rooijen, Gerrie (Dr.)

Gerrie obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Classics and a Master’s degree in Archaeology, specialising in Mediterranean Archaeology. She is fascinated by both the literature and the material culture of Antiquity, with a special interest in sculpture. In 2017 she published the first results of an archaeological experiment regarding the terracotta figurines from Akragas in an article titled Figuring out: coroplastic art and technè in Agrigento, Sicily: the results of a coroplastic experiment, published in Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 47 (Van Rooijen et al. 2017, 151-161). Meanwhile she teaches Ancient Greek and Latin Languages and Culture at a high school.

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Van Santen, Hans (Dr.)

After studying Indo-Iranian languages at Leiden University Hans van Santen wrote his Ph.D. in 1982 on the Dutch East India Company in Gujarat and Hindustan, 1620-1660. After finishing his Ph.D. he joined the foreign service of the Netherlands and served as a diplomat in Saudi-Arabia, Belgium, India and Thailand. During his posting in India he wrote a biography of a VOC employee Geleynssen de Jongh as well as several articles on the Dutch East India Company in India and in Thailand.

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Van Schaik, Henk (Ir.)

Over 40 years Henk van Schaik has built up professional experience in water covering the areas of water supply, waste water collection and treatment, water resources management, water and climate, water and heritage, water diplomacy, water and transparency.

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Van Tilburg, Cornelis (Dr.)

Cornelis van Tilburg studied Classics at Leiden University. Since 2000 he is a researcher at Leiden University (LUCAS). His main publications are: Romeins Verkeer (2005, repr. 2014, third edition 2018), Traffic and Congestion in the Roman Empire (2007, repr. 2012), Streets and Streams: Health conditions and city planning in the Graeco-Roman World (2015) and Oudheid, reinheid en gezondheid: Hygiëne in de Grieks-Romeinse wereld (2018).

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Van Zijverden, Wilko (Drs.)

Wilko van Zijverden received his master’s degree in Quaternary geology (1991). The subject of the Master’s thesis was a reconstruction of the Late Weichselian landscape of the Bommelerwaard in the central river area of the Netherlands. In august 1997 he received his master’s degree in ecological archaeology. In august 2011 he was part-time posted at Leiden University for a period of five years in the project “Farmers of the Coast”.

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Vandenbeusch, Marie (Dr.)

Marie Vandenbeusch est Project Curator dans le Department of Egypt and Sudan au British Museum, où elle est en charge du développement d’expositions itinérantes, telles que Egyptian mummies. Exploring ancient lives et Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Sa recherche se concentre sur les pratiques funéraires et magiques de l’Égypte ancienne, notamment sur l’étude des momies et de la culture matérielle.

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Van Roode, Sigrid M. (Dr.)

Sigrid van Roode is an archeologist, ethnographer and jewellery historian. Her main field of expertise is jewellery from North Africa and Southwest Asia, as well as archaeological and archaeological revival jewellery. She has authored several books on jewellery, such as Desert Silver (2017) and Silver & Frankincense (2020). With her consultancy Bedouin Silver, she researches jewellery collections for both museums and private collections, teaches courses and curates exhibitions.

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Van Rooijen, Gerrie (Dr.)

Gerrie obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Classics and a Master’s degree in Archaeology, specialising in Mediterranean Archaeology. She is fascinated by both the literature and the material culture of Antiquity, with a special interest in sculpture. In 2017 she published the first results of an archaeological experiment regarding the terracotta figurines from Akragas in an article titled Figuring out: coroplastic art and technè in Agrigento, Sicily: the results of a coroplastic experiment, published in Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 47 (Van Rooijen et al. 2017, 151-161). Meanwhile she teaches Ancient Greek and Latin Languages and Culture at a high school.

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Van Santen, Hans (Dr.)

After studying Indo-Iranian languages at Leiden University Hans van Santen wrote his Ph.D. in 1982 on the Dutch East India Company in Gujarat and Hindustan, 1620-1660. After finishing his Ph.D. he joined the foreign service of the Netherlands and served as a diplomat in Saudi-Arabia, Belgium, India and Thailand. During his posting in India he wrote a biography of a VOC employee Geleynssen de Jongh as well as several articles on the Dutch East India Company in India and in Thailand.

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Van Schaik, Henk (Ir.)

Over 40 years Henk van Schaik has built up professional experience in water covering the areas of water supply, waste water collection and treatment, water resources management, water and climate, water and heritage, water diplomacy, water and transparency.

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Van Tilburg, Cornelis (Dr.)

Cornelis van Tilburg studied Classics at Leiden University. Since 2000 he is a researcher at Leiden University (LUCAS). His main publications are: Romeins Verkeer (2005, repr. 2014, third edition 2018), Traffic and Congestion in the Roman Empire (2007, repr. 2012), Streets and Streams: Health conditions and city planning in the Graeco-Roman World (2015) and Oudheid, reinheid en gezondheid: Hygiëne in de Grieks-Romeinse wereld (2018).

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Van Zijverden, Wilko (Drs.)

Wilko van Zijverden received his master’s degree in Quaternary geology (1991). The subject of the Master’s thesis was a reconstruction of the Late Weichselian landscape of the Bommelerwaard in the central river area of the Netherlands. In august 1997 he received his master’s degree in ecological archaeology. In august 2011 he was part-time posted at Leiden University for a period of five years in the project “Farmers of the Coast”.

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Vandenbeusch, Marie (Dr.)

Marie Vandenbeusch est Project Curator dans le Department of Egypt and Sudan au British Museum, où elle est en charge du développement d’expositions itinérantes, telles que Egyptian mummies. Exploring ancient lives et Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Sa recherche se concentre sur les pratiques funéraires et magiques de l’Égypte ancienne, notamment sur l’étude des momies et de la culture matérielle.

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