Veys, Fanny Wonu (Dr.)

Fanny Wonu Veys is curator Oceania at the National Museum of World Cultures, a Dutch umbrella organization comprising the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam; Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden; the Afrika Museum, Berg en Dal; and the Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam. She has previously worked at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge (UK) (2004–2006, 2008–2009) and has held postdoctoral fellowships at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (2006–2007) and at the Musée du Quai Branly (Paris) (2007–2008).

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Videiko, Mykhailo (Prof. Dr.)

Mykhailo Videiko is Professor at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. His interests include the prehistory of Europe, archaeological manifestations of early urbanization, archaeology of Ukraine. He is the author of Ukraine: from Trypillia to Rus (2010), A comprehensive study of large settlements of the Trypillia Culture. V-IV millennia BC (2013), and South-Eastern and Central Europe in the V-IV millennia BC (2015), as well as co-editor (with N.Burdo and S.Liashko) of Encyclopedia of Trypillia civilization (2004), among other books. He has carried out fieldwork in Ukraine, Moldova and Poland.

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Vikatou, Irene M.Sc. (M.Sc.)

Irene Vikatou started her PhD at Leiden University (NL) on the topic of ancient Greek road networks in the Greek region, during pre-Roman and Roman times. The purpose of this research is to assess the extent to which Greek roads served as predecessors to the Roman ones. She studied Biology at the University of Athens and completed an M.Sc. in Osteoarchaeology and Funerary Archaeology at Leiden University in 2013. In this programme, she specialized in the analysis of human skeletal remains from archaeological excavations, focusing on pathological lesions caused by external factors, such as trauma and strenuous physical activity.

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Vis, Benjamin N. Mphil (Mphil)

Benjamin Vis studied archaeology at Leiden University. He is currently PhD student at the University of Leeds. His research Pushing the Limits: urban constants of contestation aims to contribute to the understanding of the development of the (physically built) spatial organisation of the urban landscape from a constitutive social perspective.

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Visser, Marieke (Dr.)

Marieke Visser studied Scandinavian Languages and Cultures at Amsterdam University, specialising in rune inscriptions in Sweden, and Archaeology at Stockholm University, where she specialised in the Prehistory of Northern Europe and Osteoarchaeology. In 2015, she started her PhD at Leiden University within the framework of the NWO-funded project Economies of Destruction, the results of which are presented in this book.

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Vlasblom, Dirk (Drs.)

Dirk Vlasblom studeerde sociale wetenschappen in Utrecht en was van 1990 tot 1996 en van 1999 tot 2005 correspondent in Indonesië voor NRC Handelsblad. Hij schreef eerder Jakarta, Jakarta – Reportages uit Indonesië (1993), In een warung aan de Zuidzee – Verhalen uit Indonesië (1998), Indonesië (Landenreeks van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 2004) en Een kwestie van goed boeren – Economische ontwikkeling in Afrika en Zuid-Oost Azië vergeleken (African Study Centre, 2012).

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Volker, Leentje (Dr.)

Leentje Volker (Arnhem, 1978) studied Techniek en Maatschappij (Technology and Society) at the department of Technology Management at Eindhoven University of Technology. In November 2002 she graduated with distinction in Human Technology Interaction at the TU/e. In 2005 she joined the group of Design and Construction Management of the department of Real Estate and Housing (Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology) to start her PhD project on architect selection in the context of EU tendering regulations.

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Veys, Fanny Wonu (Dr.)

Fanny Wonu Veys is curator Oceania at the National Museum of World Cultures, a Dutch umbrella organization comprising the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam; Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden; the Afrika Museum, Berg en Dal; and the Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam. She has previously worked at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge (UK) (2004–2006, 2008–2009) and has held postdoctoral fellowships at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) (2006–2007) and at the Musée du Quai Branly (Paris) (2007–2008).

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Videiko, Mykhailo (Prof. Dr.)

Mykhailo Videiko is Professor at the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. His interests include the prehistory of Europe, archaeological manifestations of early urbanization, archaeology of Ukraine. He is the author of Ukraine: from Trypillia to Rus (2010), A comprehensive study of large settlements of the Trypillia Culture. V-IV millennia BC (2013), and South-Eastern and Central Europe in the V-IV millennia BC (2015), as well as co-editor (with N.Burdo and S.Liashko) of Encyclopedia of Trypillia civilization (2004), among other books. He has carried out fieldwork in Ukraine, Moldova and Poland.

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Vikatou, Irene M.Sc. (M.Sc.)

Irene Vikatou started her PhD at Leiden University (NL) on the topic of ancient Greek road networks in the Greek region, during pre-Roman and Roman times. The purpose of this research is to assess the extent to which Greek roads served as predecessors to the Roman ones. She studied Biology at the University of Athens and completed an M.Sc. in Osteoarchaeology and Funerary Archaeology at Leiden University in 2013. In this programme, she specialized in the analysis of human skeletal remains from archaeological excavations, focusing on pathological lesions caused by external factors, such as trauma and strenuous physical activity.

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Vis, Benjamin N. Mphil (Mphil)

Benjamin Vis studied archaeology at Leiden University. He is currently PhD student at the University of Leeds. His research Pushing the Limits: urban constants of contestation aims to contribute to the understanding of the development of the (physically built) spatial organisation of the urban landscape from a constitutive social perspective.

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Visser, Marieke (Dr.)

Marieke Visser studied Scandinavian Languages and Cultures at Amsterdam University, specialising in rune inscriptions in Sweden, and Archaeology at Stockholm University, where she specialised in the Prehistory of Northern Europe and Osteoarchaeology. In 2015, she started her PhD at Leiden University within the framework of the NWO-funded project Economies of Destruction, the results of which are presented in this book.

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Vlasblom, Dirk (Drs.)

Dirk Vlasblom studeerde sociale wetenschappen in Utrecht en was van 1990 tot 1996 en van 1999 tot 2005 correspondent in Indonesië voor NRC Handelsblad. Hij schreef eerder Jakarta, Jakarta – Reportages uit Indonesië (1993), In een warung aan de Zuidzee – Verhalen uit Indonesië (1998), Indonesië (Landenreeks van het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, 2004) en Een kwestie van goed boeren – Economische ontwikkeling in Afrika en Zuid-Oost Azië vergeleken (African Study Centre, 2012).

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Volker, Leentje (Dr.)

Leentje Volker (Arnhem, 1978) studied Techniek en Maatschappij (Technology and Society) at the department of Technology Management at Eindhoven University of Technology. In November 2002 she graduated with distinction in Human Technology Interaction at the TU/e. In 2005 she joined the group of Design and Construction Management of the department of Real Estate and Housing (Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology) to start her PhD project on architect selection in the context of EU tendering regulations.

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