Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies vol. 09-10

Edited by A. van As | 1991

The Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies was published by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. The first volume was published in 1983. The series ran for 26 years until its last volume was issued in…

Wetland Farming in the area to the south of the Meuse estuary during the Iron age and Roman period

An environmental and palaeo-economic reconstruction

Otto Brinkkemper | 1991

This volume presents a reconstruction of the habitation and rural economy in an area south of the Meuse estuary during the Pre-Roman Iron Age and Roman period, mainly based on archaeobotanical and geological investigations. The…

Die Ersten Bauern Mitteleuropas

Eine Archäobotanische untersuchung zu Umwelt und Landwirtschaft der Ältesten Bankkeramik

A.M. Kreuz | 1990

Seit dem sechsten Jahrtausend vor Christus finden wir in Mitteleuropa eine neue Wirtschafts- und Lebensweise, als deren wesentliche Grundlagen Bodenbau und Viehzucht anzusehen sind. In den betreffenden Gebieten war dies der Beginn der sogenannten Jungsteinzeit…

Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies vol. 07-08

Edited by A. van As | 1989

The Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies was published by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. The first volume was published in 1983. The series ran for 26 years until its last volume was issued in…

The Wear and Tear of Flint

Principles of Functional Analysis applied to Dutch Neolithic Assemblages

Annelou van Gijn | 1989

The primary objective of this project was to assess the possibilities of microwear analysis for Dutch flint assemblages. Archaeological investigations included those pertaining to form and function (i.e. would it be possible to predict function…

Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies vol. 06

Edited by A. van As | 1988

The Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies was published by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. The first volume was published in 1983. The series ran for 26 years until its last volume was issued in…

From Find Scatters to Early Hominid Behaviour

A Study of Middle Palaeolithic Riverside Settlements at Maastricht-Belvédère (The Netherlands)

Wil Roebroeks | 1988

The Belvédère loess and gravel pit, situated northwest of the town of Maastricht, The Netherlands, has been the object of an intensive archaeological-geological investigation between 1980 and 1990. The aim of the research was to…

Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies vol. 09-10

Edited by A. van As | 1991

The Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies was published by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. The first volume was published in 1983. The series ran for 26 years until its last volume was issued in…

Wetland Farming in the area to the south of the Meuse estuary during the Iron age and Roman period

An environmental and palaeo-economic reconstruction

Otto Brinkkemper | 1991

This volume presents a reconstruction of the habitation and rural economy in an area south of the Meuse estuary during the Pre-Roman Iron Age and Roman period, mainly based on archaeobotanical and geological investigations. The…

Die Ersten Bauern Mitteleuropas

Eine Archäobotanische untersuchung zu Umwelt und Landwirtschaft der Ältesten Bankkeramik

A.M. Kreuz | 1990

Seit dem sechsten Jahrtausend vor Christus finden wir in Mitteleuropa eine neue Wirtschafts- und Lebensweise, als deren wesentliche Grundlagen Bodenbau und Viehzucht anzusehen sind. In den betreffenden Gebieten war dies der Beginn der sogenannten Jungsteinzeit…

Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies vol. 07-08

Edited by A. van As | 1989

The Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies was published by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. The first volume was published in 1983. The series ran for 26 years until its last volume was issued in…

The Wear and Tear of Flint

Principles of Functional Analysis applied to Dutch Neolithic Assemblages

Annelou van Gijn | 1989

The primary objective of this project was to assess the possibilities of microwear analysis for Dutch flint assemblages. Archaeological investigations included those pertaining to form and function (i.e. would it be possible to predict function…

Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies vol. 06

Edited by A. van As | 1988

The Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies was published by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. The first volume was published in 1983. The series ran for 26 years until its last volume was issued in…

From Find Scatters to Early Hominid Behaviour

A Study of Middle Palaeolithic Riverside Settlements at Maastricht-Belvédère (The Netherlands)

Wil Roebroeks | 1988

The Belvédère loess and gravel pit, situated northwest of the town of Maastricht, The Netherlands, has been the object of an intensive archaeological-geological investigation between 1980 and 1990. The aim of the research was to…

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