Plakkaatboek Kust van Guinea (Band 3)

Traktaten, Instructies, Reglementen en andere documenten betrekking hebbende op De Kust van Guinea, 1597/1611 - 1872

Edited by A. van Dantzig†, J.A. Schiltkamp† & J.Th. de Smidt†, met medewerking van T. van der Lee & H.J. van Dapperen | 2024

Het koloniale rijk van Nederland spreidde zich uit over de hele wereld. Ook in westelijk Afrika vestigde de West Indische Compagnie (WIC) handelsposten. De belangrijkste koopwaar betrof slaafgemaakten, ivoor en goud. Vanaf de vroege zeventiende…

Hayonim Cave

From the Early to the Middle Palaeolithic in the Levant (Israel)

Edited by Liliane Meignen & Ofer Bar-Yosef | 2024

The research presented in this book results from an international interdisciplinary research program in Hayonim cave (Israel) from 1992 to 2000, directed by Prof O. Bar-Yosef (Harvard University) and L. Meignen (CNRS, France), and focusing…

Death and Display

Kuba funerary art from the Congo River Basin

Raymond Corbey | 2024

During funerals of nobles in the Kuba kingdom (Democratic Republic of Congo), visitors used to theatrically offer so-called bongotols to the deceased and the mourning family. These highly appreciated valuables were either positioned under the…

Alles bleibt anders

Transformationsprozesse in Raum und Zeit

Edited by Wiebke Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Anna E. Reuter | 2024

Keine Gesellschaft lebt ewig. Diese Tatsache mag erst einmal für Aufregung sorgen – dabei stellt dies den normalen Verlauf der Geschichte dar, denn Gesellschaften und ihre Umwelten verändern sich ständig. Transformationen bestimmen, wer wir sind,…

Alternative Egyptology

Critical essays on the relation between academic and alternative interpretations of ancient Egypt

Edited by B.J.L. van den Bercken | 2024

From a mummy on board the Titanic to the pyramids’ alignment with the stars, from psychoactive mushrooms to the lost realm of Atlantis: alternative interpretations of ancient Egypt, often summarised as ‘alternative Egyptology’, have always…

Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914)

Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle

Edited by Catherine Louboutin & Anne Lehoërff | 2024

Des spécialistes de l’ensemble de l’Europe décrivent les enjeux politiques et scientifiques auxquelles a présidé la fondation des musées d’archéologie entre 1848 et 1914. Au travers de personnalités éminentes, le livre restitue un tour d’horizon…

Storage in Ancient Egypt and Nubia

Earthen architecture and building techniques

Edited by Adeline Bats & Nadia Licitra | 2023

In 2020 and 2021 the Research Group on Storage in Ancient Egypt and Sudan organised two online workshops focusing on earthen storage buildings in ancient Egypt and Nubia. Following these two meetings, the nine contributions…

Plakkaatboek Kust van Guinea (Band 3)

Traktaten, Instructies, Reglementen en andere documenten betrekking hebbende op De Kust van Guinea, 1597/1611 - 1872

Edited by A. van Dantzig†, J.A. Schiltkamp† & J.Th. de Smidt†, met medewerking van T. van der Lee & H.J. van Dapperen | 2024

Het koloniale rijk van Nederland spreidde zich uit over de hele wereld. Ook in westelijk Afrika vestigde de West Indische Compagnie (WIC) handelsposten. De belangrijkste koopwaar betrof slaafgemaakten, ivoor en goud. Vanaf de vroege zeventiende…

Hayonim Cave

From the Early to the Middle Palaeolithic in the Levant (Israel)

Edited by Liliane Meignen & Ofer Bar-Yosef | 2024

The research presented in this book results from an international interdisciplinary research program in Hayonim cave (Israel) from 1992 to 2000, directed by Prof O. Bar-Yosef (Harvard University) and L. Meignen (CNRS, France), and focusing…

Death and Display

Kuba funerary art from the Congo River Basin

Raymond Corbey | 2024

During funerals of nobles in the Kuba kingdom (Democratic Republic of Congo), visitors used to theatrically offer so-called bongotols to the deceased and the mourning family. These highly appreciated valuables were either positioned under the…

Alles bleibt anders

Transformationsprozesse in Raum und Zeit

Edited by Wiebke Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Anna E. Reuter | 2024

Keine Gesellschaft lebt ewig. Diese Tatsache mag erst einmal für Aufregung sorgen – dabei stellt dies den normalen Verlauf der Geschichte dar, denn Gesellschaften und ihre Umwelten verändern sich ständig. Transformationen bestimmen, wer wir sind,…

Alternative Egyptology

Critical essays on the relation between academic and alternative interpretations of ancient Egypt

Edited by B.J.L. van den Bercken | 2024

From a mummy on board the Titanic to the pyramids’ alignment with the stars, from psychoactive mushrooms to the lost realm of Atlantis: alternative interpretations of ancient Egypt, often summarised as ‘alternative Egyptology’, have always…

Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914)

Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle

Edited by Catherine Louboutin & Anne Lehoërff | 2024

Des spécialistes de l’ensemble de l’Europe décrivent les enjeux politiques et scientifiques auxquelles a présidé la fondation des musées d’archéologie entre 1848 et 1914. Au travers de personnalités éminentes, le livre restitue un tour d’horizon…

Storage in Ancient Egypt and Nubia

Earthen architecture and building techniques

Edited by Adeline Bats & Nadia Licitra | 2023

In 2020 and 2021 the Research Group on Storage in Ancient Egypt and Sudan organised two online workshops focusing on earthen storage buildings in ancient Egypt and Nubia. Following these two meetings, the nine contributions…

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