Gender Transformations in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies

Edited by Julia Katharina Koch & Wiebke Kirleis | 2019

In which chronological, spatial, and social contexts is gender a relevant social category that is noticeable in the archaeological material? How can transformations in social gender relations and identity be recognized archaeologically? Is the identity…

Megalithic monuments and social structures

Comparative studies on recent and Funnel Beaker societies

Maria Wunderlich | 2019

Megalith building constitutes not only a past, but also a recent phenomenon, which is still practised today. The documentation and interpretation of recent megalith building traditions is offering potential aid in the interpretation of prehistoric…

Rural Settlement

Relating buildings, landscape, and people in the European Iron Age

Edited by Dave C. Cowley, Manuel Fernández-Götz, Tanja Romankiewicz & Holger Wendling | 2019

The majority of humanity have lived out their lives in a ‘rural’ context, and even in our increasingly urbanised world almost half of the global population still live in rural areas. In the European Iron…

Death Revisited

The excavation of three Bronze Age barrows and surrounding landscape at Apeldoorn-Wieselseweg

Arjan Louwen & David Fontijn | 2019

This book presents a group of small and inconspicuous barrows that were recently discovered in the forest of Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. They are part of an extensive barrow landscape of which little was yet known.…

Was tranken die frühen Kelten?

Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa. Internationale Konferenz Kloster Weltenburg 28.04.-01.05.2017.

Edited by Philipp W. Stockhammer & Janine Fries-Knoblach | 2019

Was die sogenannten „frühen Kelten” tranken, weckt seit über hundert Jahren das Interesse der Wissenschaft und der Öffentlichkeit. Funde mediterraner Importkeramik ließen Forscher_innen schon früh vermuten, dass den „Kelten“ vor allem an einer Nachahmung mediterraner…

Looking Closely

Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010 – 2014

Edited by Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck & Birgül Öğüt | 2019

Soviet archaeological research in southern Turkmenistan revealed a series of small Late Neolithic and Aeneolithic villages strung along the streams that emerge from the Kopet Dag and water the narrow foothill zone separating the mountains…

Metaaltijden (vol. 6)

Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden

Edited by Stijn Arnoldussen, Eugene Ball, Joyce van Dijk, E. Norde & N. de Vries | 2019

Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van de 6e metaaltijdendag, gehouden op 5 oktober te Amsersfoort. Het thema betrof het einde van de metaaltijden/begin van de Romeinse tijd (100 BC – 100 AD), met aandacht voor…

Search results for cat-prehistory:

Gender Transformations in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies

Edited by Julia Katharina Koch & Wiebke Kirleis | 2019

In which chronological, spatial, and social contexts is gender a relevant social category that is noticeable in the archaeological material? How can transformations in social gender relations and identity be recognized archaeologically? Is the identity…

Megalithic monuments and social structures

Comparative studies on recent and Funnel Beaker societies

Maria Wunderlich | 2019

Megalith building constitutes not only a past, but also a recent phenomenon, which is still practised today. The documentation and interpretation of recent megalith building traditions is offering potential aid in the interpretation of prehistoric…

Rural Settlement

Relating buildings, landscape, and people in the European Iron Age

Edited by Dave C. Cowley, Manuel Fernández-Götz, Tanja Romankiewicz & Holger Wendling | 2019

The majority of humanity have lived out their lives in a ‘rural’ context, and even in our increasingly urbanised world almost half of the global population still live in rural areas. In the European Iron…

Death Revisited

The excavation of three Bronze Age barrows and surrounding landscape at Apeldoorn-Wieselseweg

Arjan Louwen & David Fontijn | 2019

This book presents a group of small and inconspicuous barrows that were recently discovered in the forest of Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. They are part of an extensive barrow landscape of which little was yet known.…

Was tranken die frühen Kelten?

Bedeutungen und Funktionen mediterraner Importe im früheisenzeitlichen Mitteleuropa. Internationale Konferenz Kloster Weltenburg 28.04.-01.05.2017.

Edited by Philipp W. Stockhammer & Janine Fries-Knoblach | 2019

Was die sogenannten „frühen Kelten” tranken, weckt seit über hundert Jahren das Interesse der Wissenschaft und der Öffentlichkeit. Funde mediterraner Importkeramik ließen Forscher_innen schon früh vermuten, dass den „Kelten“ vor allem an einer Nachahmung mediterraner…

Looking Closely

Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010 – 2014

Edited by Susan Pollock, Reinhard Bernbeck & Birgül Öğüt | 2019

Soviet archaeological research in southern Turkmenistan revealed a series of small Late Neolithic and Aeneolithic villages strung along the streams that emerge from the Kopet Dag and water the narrow foothill zone separating the mountains…

Metaaltijden (vol. 6)

Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden

Edited by Stijn Arnoldussen, Eugene Ball, Joyce van Dijk, E. Norde & N. de Vries | 2019

Deze bundel vormt de neerslag van de 6e metaaltijdendag, gehouden op 5 oktober te Amsersfoort. Het thema betrof het einde van de metaaltijden/begin van de Romeinse tijd (100 BC – 100 AD), met aandacht voor…

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