Bruin, Jasper, de MA (MA)

Jasper de Bruin (Rotterdam, 1976) studied Archaeology of the Roman period at the University of Amsterdam. After working at the Archaeological Service of Delft he joined Leiden University in 2006 as a lecturer in Archaeological Practices and Provincial Roman Archaeology.

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Brunner, Mirco (Dr.)

Mirco Brunner ( studied Prehistoric and Roman Archaeology at the University of Bern. As part of a binational cotutelle de thèse project between the Universities of Bern and Kiel he wrote his PhD thesis on mobility, networks and transformation processes of prehistoric societies in the central Alpine region. His main fields of interest are Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates, network analysis and multivariate statistics. Mirco Brunner is currently working as an SNSF Early PostDoc.Mobility Fellow at the Institute for Ecosystem Research, Geoarchaeology and Polar Research at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. He is also an associated researcher at the Cluster of Excellence “Roots”, at Kiel University.

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Brysbaert, Ann (Prof. dr.)

Ann Brysbaert is Professor in Ancient Technologies, Materials and Crafts at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University (NL), and since 1/3/2022 also the Director of the Netherlands Institute in Athens (NIA). She is Principal Investigator of the SETinSTONE project (ERC-CoG, grant nbr 646667) held at Leiden University. Previously, she held permanent and senior research positions at the Universities of Leicester, Glasgow, Heidelberg and Leiden. In 2014, she was Professeur Invitée at Bordeaux Montaigne University.

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Buddingh', Hans

Hans Buddingh’ graduated in economics and works as an editor for the leading Dutch newspaper and news site NRC. For this medium he frequently travelled to Suriname. In 1987 he published (with a co-author) Surinam, politics, economics and society. And in 1994 he wrote (with a co-author) the revealing book De Danser about the Surinamese drug cartel and its ties with the Colombian drug mafia. He has also contributed to several other book publications about Suriname.

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Budka, Julia (Prof. dr.)

Julia Budka studied Egyptology and Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna and received her PhD in Egyptology, University of Vienna in 2007. She held a researcher position at Humboldt University Berlin (2004-2012) and was a temporary replacement Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna (2011-2012). Her speciality fields are Egyptian field archaeology and material culture; she conducts excavations in Sudan and Egypt, both at funerary and settlement sites, especially at Luxor (Thebes), Sai Island and between Attab to Ferka (MUAFS and DiverseNile projects).

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Buijs, Cunera (Dr.)

Dr. Cunera Buijs (1958) is anthropologist and curator Arctic of the National Museum of World Cultures, Leiden. Her research interest lies in issues of dress and identity, and questions of ownership, authority and access. In 2004, she finished her PhD-thesis on clothing, its significance and role in Inuit society (Leiden University). Her publications have also focused on climate change and the trade boycott of sealskin.

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Buitelaar, Marjo (Dr.)

Marjo Buitelaar is Associate Professor Anthropology of Islam at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Her research interests concern Islam & everyday life; the narrative construction of identity, religion & gender; religion & migration. She is the programme leader of the NWO funded research project ’Modern Articulations of Pilgrimage to Mecca’.

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Bruin, Jasper, de MA (MA)

Jasper de Bruin (Rotterdam, 1976) studied Archaeology of the Roman period at the University of Amsterdam. After working at the Archaeological Service of Delft he joined Leiden University in 2006 as a lecturer in Archaeological Practices and Provincial Roman Archaeology.

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Brunner, Mirco (Dr.)

Mirco Brunner ( studied Prehistoric and Roman Archaeology at the University of Bern. As part of a binational cotutelle de thèse project between the Universities of Bern and Kiel he wrote his PhD thesis on mobility, networks and transformation processes of prehistoric societies in the central Alpine region. His main fields of interest are Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates, network analysis and multivariate statistics. Mirco Brunner is currently working as an SNSF Early PostDoc.Mobility Fellow at the Institute for Ecosystem Research, Geoarchaeology and Polar Research at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. He is also an associated researcher at the Cluster of Excellence “Roots”, at Kiel University.

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Brysbaert, Ann (Prof. dr.)

Ann Brysbaert is Professor in Ancient Technologies, Materials and Crafts at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University (NL), and since 1/3/2022 also the Director of the Netherlands Institute in Athens (NIA). She is Principal Investigator of the SETinSTONE project (ERC-CoG, grant nbr 646667) held at Leiden University. Previously, she held permanent and senior research positions at the Universities of Leicester, Glasgow, Heidelberg and Leiden. In 2014, she was Professeur Invitée at Bordeaux Montaigne University.

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Buddingh', Hans

Hans Buddingh’ graduated in economics and works as an editor for the leading Dutch newspaper and news site NRC. For this medium he frequently travelled to Suriname. In 1987 he published (with a co-author) Surinam, politics, economics and society. And in 1994 he wrote (with a co-author) the revealing book De Danser about the Surinamese drug cartel and its ties with the Colombian drug mafia. He has also contributed to several other book publications about Suriname.

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Budka, Julia (Prof. dr.)

Julia Budka studied Egyptology and Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna and received her PhD in Egyptology, University of Vienna in 2007. She held a researcher position at Humboldt University Berlin (2004-2012) and was a temporary replacement Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna (2011-2012). Her speciality fields are Egyptian field archaeology and material culture; she conducts excavations in Sudan and Egypt, both at funerary and settlement sites, especially at Luxor (Thebes), Sai Island and between Attab to Ferka (MUAFS and DiverseNile projects).

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Buijs, Cunera (Dr.)

Dr. Cunera Buijs (1958) is anthropologist and curator Arctic of the National Museum of World Cultures, Leiden. Her research interest lies in issues of dress and identity, and questions of ownership, authority and access. In 2004, she finished her PhD-thesis on clothing, its significance and role in Inuit society (Leiden University). Her publications have also focused on climate change and the trade boycott of sealskin.

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Buitelaar, Marjo (Dr.)

Marjo Buitelaar is Associate Professor Anthropology of Islam at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Her research interests concern Islam & everyday life; the narrative construction of identity, religion & gender; religion & migration. She is the programme leader of the NWO funded research project ’Modern Articulations of Pilgrimage to Mecca’.

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